What Makes Java a Secure Language?

Java was developed by Sun Microsystem in 1995 and is now extensively used as a programming language. This open-source programming language is used for developing applications on different platforms along with the many web solutions. It is a widely popular language among developers due to its less complicated coding and secure features. Security remains a big concern when it comes to the programming language, let’s have a look at the features that make Java a secure language.
Features that makes Java a secure language
No use of pointers
Programming languages like C, C++ use pointers for application memory management and safeguarding against data theft. Although these pointers are secure to a certain level but become vulnerable when hackers gain access. Pointers are not capable of verifying the authorization of anyone who is trying to access the application’s memory.
While Java uses the data management system and internal memory to prevent or block unauthorized data access. Java does not use pointers which makes it safe from any vulnerability faced by other programming languages.
The compiler detects and handles errors
When errors go undetected for a longer period, then leads to system error formation and it forms the higher chances of an entire system crashing down. But the good news is that java’s compiler has its own error detector that warns the programmer before the system crashes.
Private Keywords
When programming is done from the public keyword then chances of data and functions overriding each other get higher. But with Java’s private keywords, developers can hide important information without worrying about overriding the important data.
Compile-time Checking
The strict rule of the java compiler makes it a secure option for the developer. For instance, if somebody tries to access the private variables then JVM catches errors. At the time of compilation, JVM detects all the errors, and this way a system crash can be avoided. Two different compilers can give two different results as the different compilers will produce different values, which will be a loophole in the system.
Cryptographic Security
The source code class helps to maintain the security of the program when the program receives the code from an unknown network, it becomes necessary to maintain the details of where the code is coming from. But in Java its source code class helps to maintain the detail of the code along with that it will check with the digital signature for cryptographic security.
Java Class Loader
Another reason that makes Java a secure option is its class loader. The loader assures that the untrusted classes can not be treated as the trusted classes and that is the reason multiple loaders are present in the JVM. Each loader is responsible for maintaining namespaces and each class is defined with a different name so that untrusted classes can be identified.
Java Sandbox
Java sandbox is an important factor for security consideration. Sandbox is restricted for the applets and these applets can’t get the system resources without checking. As far as the local codes are concerned, there are no limitations or restrictions for using it.
Byte Code Verifier
Due to the wide usage of Java, it has become important to introduce byte code. It allows programmers to code once and run anywhere. Before Java people when we’re not very sure to download the executable program due to malicious code into it, but java security sighed relief to download an error-free program. Before the execution process begins, JVM verifies the code and if there is any security issue, JVM will take care of it.
If any following things are violated then suspicious code will not be loaded into the system:
- Access specifications need to be followed
- There should not be any stack overflow or stack underflow or infinite loop
- The method should follow the authorization class objects only.
Own Memory Management
The best thing that makes Java a secured language is its own memory management system which has its own garbage collection system. Its memory management decreases the overhead of the programmer, so the programmer need not worry about freeing memory space. JVM is responsible for freeing memory space in the system.
Exception Handling
Exception handling is another key feature of Java that detects the undesired results and reports errors to the programmer. Without rectifying the error, the programmer won’t be able to run the code.
These were some of the features that made Java a secure programming language. Our Java development services team can be your destination for the best java solution.
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